Christine Liu
Bentley University
Intermediate Financial Accounting I
(Sole Instructor)
Latest Rating (5.9/6);
Average Overall Rating Across Four Sections (5.7/6)
Selected Students Evaluations
“I liked the content the most and making the class fun and interesting."
"I liked how each class provided additonal insihgt on the material that was being reviewed for the week with good explanations and context along with practice to help explain it."
"For accounting this class was extraordinarily easy to follow with her teaching style "
"This is the best professor Ive had at bentley and its not even close she was by far the most caring about her students that I've ever encountered and she really knew her stuff. I will take her as many times as I can while Im still at bentley."
"Professor genuinely cares about the wellbeing of each student in the class and wants them to do well. She would put in the effort toreach out to students and offer them guidance. She is clear about her expectations and grading."
University of Toronto
RSM 326-Data Analytics with Financial Accounting Information
(Sole Instructor)
Instructor Ratings 4.8/5.0
Rotman Teaching Award
"Prof of the Month" (Rotman Commerce Accounting Society (RCAS) Insider, Feb 2021)
Course Syllabus
Selected Students Evaluations
“This was a very interesting course and very different from any other course I have taken at Rotman. I thoroughly enjoyed the material that was covered and felt like it was very practical and applicable."
"The instruction of this course was conducted extremely well."​
"I am impressed that she can teach the class so well since it can be seen that she has put in any efforts to prepare this class seriously. Overall, I have a great experience with this course and really appreciate all the help that the professor provided."
Financial Distress and Insolvency (Teaching Assistant)
Undergraduate Level: Spring 2020, Spring 2021
MBA Level: Winter 2021, Winter 2022
Financial Accounting and Valuation (Teaching Assistant)
Undergraduate Level: Spring 2020
MBA Level: Fall 2019, Fall 2020
Introduction to Micro and Macro Economics
(Teaching Assistant)
Undergraduate Level: Fall 2017, Winter 2018